A day in the life of..

A day in the life of..

Jess Tappin

Twitter - @jesstappin

Instagram - @jessietappin


7:50am: Wake up and have a quick scroll through my phone, catch up on life


8.00am I’ll go down and make my breakfast.

Usually I’d go for porridge with oat milk (my favourite) it’s a game changer for porridge, I then put some honey &/dates in with some frozen berries, topped a sprinkle of a getbuzzing bar on top (normally banana/wow butter/date & seed)

This will keep my full and fuelled through my session!

9am : I leave for the track I try to cycle especially if the weathers nice :) 


9:20 : Training starts, long warm up, stretching and drills. Followed by hurdles and running session.


12pm : I would then have a little mini buzz bar once the running session is done for a pick me up :) then off to the gym. Finishing gym normally with a mini core circuit.



1:30pm : make sure if I’m not going to be home in time to have some protein.


After training I can normally relax and meet up with friends unless I’m working at the chocolate cafe. I absolutely love working there, so social, I love meeting, talking and serving all the customers! :)


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