Age Group Triathlete Amy Kilpin!
Twitter/Facebook/Instagram - @akilpin
6.30am Wake up and start some biomechanics and glute activation exercises using resistance bands, to engage my muscles after sleeping. After this, I’ll sit down in front of my laptop and start processing some emails. Unlike full time athletes I work as a marketing consultant (luckily from home) so I have to juggle work and training!
8am Breakfast, usually Weetabix with peanut butter and milk or oats with almonds and honey, and an all-important coffee. I’ll now be energised enough to get stuck into some real work for the next few hours.
11am My training varies from day to day, as training for three disciplines is quite a lot to fit in, but I usually swim at this time of day as the pool is quieter and my body has had a chance to wake up a bit. I’m usually in the pool for around 1 hour, swimming 3-4k.

1pm Lunch, usually something like salad with quinoa and hummus or poached eggs and avocado on sourdough toast, followed by coffee. I generally eat lunch at my desk while working.
2pm I usually try to schedule any work calls in at this time of day as I know I will usually have just eaten lunch and I won’t be training for a few hours, so it’s always a good opportunity to be available.
3pm I’ll usually have a GetBuzzing Cherry Protein or Wowbutter bar here as a mid-afternoon snack, ready to fuel me for my next training session.

4pm Second training session of the day will be around a 1 hour run or a bike session, varying from slow steady aerobic based endurance sessions to harder interval training. During the week, it’s usually shorter, more intense training sessions such as a turbo (static bike), bike intervals outside, or run intervals either outside or on the treadmill. Weekends is where we tend to schedule the longer sessions as I have more time when I’m not working.

6pm Shower and prepare my evening meal – my favourite is vegetable green Thai curry with sticky jasmine rice, usually followed by a few squares of dark chocolate!
7pm I’ll usually finish off any bits of work that I want to clear in front of the TV, catching up on sport, my latest Netflix series addiction or a documentary. Sometimes I’ll have a cup of herbal tea here too.
10pm I’ll go to bed and spend about half an hour reading – I love business books and sports autobiographies so it will usually be one of the two which will eventually send me off to sleep!