Our Charity

At Getbuzzing we proudly stand alongside Variety Golf as our chosen Charity in their mission to bring joy, opportunity and improved quality of life to children facing challenges. We firmly believe in the power of collective action and support Variety Golf’s charitable endeavors as they continue to make a meaningful impact on the lives of these deserving children by raising money for their sunshine coaches.

Our Variety members love arriving at our Charity Golf Days with a special and warm welcome from Kate & Abi from Getbuzzing offering a bar to each member and guest before they start their day! We have found that the Get Buzzing bars are always a great, healthy and nutritious snack which always come in handy to keep us energised out on the golf course. If you are having a tough day - a getbuzzing bar will always cheer you up as well as knowing that we are raising money for children less fortunate than ourselves.

Jamie Little
Director - Variety Golf

Playing Beautiful Courses & Changing Children’s Lives…
Variety Golf comprises of a group of charitably minded golfers who make it their business – and pleasure – to play competitive golf at some of the most beautiful golf courses in the UK, whilst raising funds to help less fortunate children who, through no fault of their own, are unable to enjoy a quality of life which the rest of us take for granted.
In 2022, we managed to raise in excess of £2million and presented 40 Variety Sunshine Coaches which we presented to 40 different Special Needs Schools, Youth Clubs and Children’s Hospices, enabling these youngsters to enjoy experiences never available to them before and in turn changed the lives of over 10,000 children in 2023 alone. Variety – The Children’s Charity ultimately raises funds to buy our famous SUNSHINE COACHES to support the children who so badly need our help and since Variety was founded in 1949 we have presented over 6,000 Variety Sunshine Coaches to many Special Needs Schools, Youth Clubs and Children’s Hospices.
Some words from Variety President – Jimmy Tarbuck OBE