Getbuzzing Home Workouts 2
Workout 1
50-40-30-20-10 Reps
- High Knees
- Squat Kicks
- Jump Lunges
- Ab Crunches
- Step Ups
Workout 2
AMRAP 40 Minutes
(As Many Rounds As Possible)
- Hand to Elbow Plank x 10
- Burpees x 10
- Reverse Lunge x 10.10 (One side at a time tucking knee up to chest)
- Burpees x 10
- Squat Press x 20
- Burpees x 10
Workout 3
5 Rounds - 1 Minute rest between rounds
- Alt Standing Cross Crunches x 20
- Sit Ups with Punches x 20 (4 punches each sit up)
- Russian Twists x 20
- Toe Taps x 20