British Formula 3 Racing Driver: Pavan Ravishankar

Hi, I'm Pavan Ravishankar, a Singapore born racing driver competing in the BRDC British Formula 3. Throughout my career my diet was always something I struggled with, this was due to the difficulty of finding healthy snacks or food at a Racetrack. It wasn't until August this year that I tried my first Get Buzzing bar (Date and Seed) at my gym before a big session. I was blown away with the health content and incredible taste of this snack. It provided me with the energy I needed for my physical training session and I believe Get Buzzing have the perfect compromise between health benefit and satisfying taste. Now I take Buzzbars with me everywhere I go!

Day in the of a Racing Driver at a typical testday...
5:30am: Rise and shine! Quick check through my phone and straight into the shower!
6.30am: Head to breakfast (almost always in a hotel!) Straight to the continental spread to mix myself some cereal with yogurt and top that off with some delightful berries. Straight after, head to the egg counter to get myself a plate of Scrambled Eggs and a wholemeal toast.
7:00am: Head to the track with the team.
7:30am: Unpack and prepare all my gear. Run through with my engineer the plan for the day and what we aim to work on.
8:00am: Start warming up with some skipping and dynamic stretches to warm up my muscles and get my heart pumping.
9:00am: Open pit lane! Testing begins.
11:30am: Morning testing ends. Get back into the pit lane and go through data with my engineer, figuring out what exactly we need to work on for the next session.
12:00pm: Usually test days are very hectic and we can't have a big lunch. So I have a light lunch and snack on my favourite Get Buzzing bar (Banana) frequently which provides me the fuel and required energy to perform well throughout the day.

1:30pm: Head back out for afternoon test session
4:30pm: Back into the pits and once again go through data with my engineer and figure out what went well and what to work on next time that we are out on track.
5:00pm: End of test day! Get all my gear packed up, say goodbye to everyone in the team and head back home.
8.30pm: Arrive back home in Oxford and head in for a much needed hot shower!
9:30pm: Hit the bed to catch some greatly desired sleep after a very long day!!