A Day in the life of...

A Day in the life of...


Paralympic Athlete

Instagram - @livvy_breen

Twitter - @Breenolivia

Annoyingly I am always an early riser so no matter what time I go to bed I will almost always wake up early. I like to start each day doing a few stretches and some core exercises to get my body moving before I have my breakfast.


My nutritionist and I have just come up with new nutrition plan for me with the aim of maximising my strength sessions. We are in the middle of winter training which is when we build up strength. I am also coming to the end of rehabbing tendonopathy in my right knee so building strength to support this knee is even more important than ever.


What I eat before, during and after these training sessions will help to maximise these sessions and protein is particularly important.




8am - Generally I like to train in the mornings. I find this is when my body is at its best. To fuel this morning session I will have a breakfast of berries, natural yogurt with a GetBuzzing Chocolate and Coconut Nut Free High Protein Flapjack sprinkled over the top.

Chocolate and coconut are two of my favourite things so to have them together at breakfast feels like a real treat.


Morning Training


This will normally start around 10 and during the winter this will start with a track session. As I said in Winter we are building me up so we are working on endurance which is exhausting! A typical session in Winter will mean me running 16 x 60m back to back! After such a gruelling track session I either feel sick or starving! Either way, I always make sure that I have got a banana and  a GetBuzzing Banana Flapjack to give me the energy to face my gym session. I also drink lots of water throughout the sessions.



Post- training


After such a tough session it is really important for me to eat things which help my muscles recover. As I said I love chocolate so to be able to eat a Get Buzzing Mint Chocolate High Protein bar a start of this recovery makes something essential feel like a treat rather than a necessity!





After training I will have a late lunch which will be something like a chicken and salad wrap, again making sure that I have plenty of protein to allow my muscles to recover but at the same time it is light, so that I stay light and lean which is important for a sprinter.




Dinner will be something equally healthy and light like fish with vegetables and rice.




My evening snack will tend to be natural yogurt and fruit but if I feel that I have worked really hard I will allow myself a treat of a couple of squares of dark chocolate - all work and no play…!!


As you can see, my diet is very healthy which is important to enable me to maximise my sessions. Being able to eat GetBuzzing bars really helps because unlike a lot of other “protein bars” they taste delicious and natural. It It is also reassuring to know that there are no issues with any banned substances as the products I use are approved and batch tested by Informed Sport.



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