A day in the life of...
James Ledger T12 100m sprinter
At the moment we are right in the middle of winters training! This is where our highest volume of training takes place, we look to improve a number of physical aspects this time of the year as we are not racing we can push our bodies to it’s limits! Not only do we try to make the technical improvements but look to improve speed endurance, overall endurance, explosive power, speed and many other physical attributes associated with 100m sprinting. As we are working hard each session to make these adaptations it’s important to recover well!
Our week is broken down into a 6 day week;
Monday - Gym/mobility
Tuesday - Track
Wednesday - Gym/mobility
Thursday - Track
Friday - Gym
Saturday - Track
A typical Breakfast would be...
Breakfast for me starts the night before as I like to make overnight oats! I like to have;
- 5-6 tbsp of raw oats
- Coconut sprinkles
- Banana
- Raspberries
- Broken up GetBuzzing high protein nut free cherry bar
- Almond milk
- Sealed in a jar overnight in the fridge
This is something I particular like to have before gym sessions as it provides me with the energy I need for the day!
Track sessions
We have 3 track sessions a week all with a purpose to develop different things, on Tuesdays for example is our big volume day an example of a session would be 2x6 200m in set times not only does this develop speed endurance but also developed rhythm which is important for 100 and 200m sprinting. After a session like this it is so important to recover so I’d always have a Chocolate Coconut Nut Free High Protein Flapjack in my bag to have straight after!

After track I find food isn’t as readily available like at the gym so it is important to make sure I have a good protein snack after a tough session and the GetBuzzing bars are perfect for a nutritious, quick and easy snack.
It is so important to put the hard work in to reach your goals and ambitions! It is also important to recover and fuel your body correctly too!