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Chocolate, Date and Seed Pinwheels
Chocolate, Date and Seed Pinwheels
Chocolate, Date and Seed Pinwheels (Makes 6)
Recipe by: Tiff Afflick

- 3 Date and Seed GetBuzzing bars
- 50ml hot water + 3 tbsp for the cocoa filling
- 2 tablespoons cacao/cocoa powder
- 1tbsp honey
- 3tbsp milk (dairy or plant-based)
- To make the chocolate topping, mix the cacao powder, honey and milk together to make a smooth, thick paste
- Break the bars down into small chunks, then microwave for 60 seconds to soften
- Mix the water into the bar mixture and stir to combine
- Flatten the mixture onto greaseproof paper, then shape into a small square around 20cm x 20cm
- Spread the cocoa mixture onto the square, leaving a 1cm gap on one edge to allow for the filling to spread out
- Lift the baking paper at one end and carefully roll to form a cylinder out of the bar/cacao mixture (like a swiss roll)
- Allow the roll to chill for at least 1 hour, then divide into 6 portions
- Keep in an airtight container in the fridge to enjoy for up to 5 days
